Learn which of the three Engage levels are right for your pupils.
When registering pupils, you'll be prompted to enter their Engage level. Please see below a guide on each of the three levels to assist you with selecting. We recommend starting your pupils on level 1 if you are unsure. A pupil's Engage level can be amended at any time. It's possible to have a class full of pupils working at different Engage levels.
Level 1
The reading age of the Level 1 news stories and accompanying activities is approximately 7 to 9 yrs. (The news stories are slightly simplified versions of those found in First News). They support pupils working towards the requirements of the Lower Key Stage 2 (P4-5) – Years 3 and 4 – NC English Programme of Study for Reading. The activities support pupils’ development of the statutory reading, comprehension and oral skills required by the end of KS2 and these are referenced in each activity.
Level 2
The reading age of the Level 2 news stories and accompanying activities is approximately 9 to 12 yrs. They support working towards the requirements of the Upper Key Stage 2 (P6-7) – Years 5 and 6 – NC English Programme of Study for Reading. The activities support pupils’ development of the statutory reading, writing and comprehension skills required by the end of KS2 and these are referenced in each activity.
Level 3
The reading age of the Level 3 news stories and accompanying activities is approximately 12 to 14 yrs. They support pupils working towards the requirements of the Key Stage 3 (S1-3) NC English Language Programme of Study for Reading. The activities support pupils’ development of the reading, writing, comprehension skills including grammar and vocabulary required in the lead up to requirements for GCSE English Language.